If the "Remember me" or "Remember my ID on this computer" checkbox is checked at registration, LOGIN, or in 'My account', the site will send to your system an encrypted permanent "cookie" containing your login information. This cookie will be stored in your system in a small file on your hard disk. When you access a page on the site, your browser will send the contents of the file back to the site, where it is read. This will allow you to be automatically recognized, and you will not have to manually login each time you visit. Cookies are only sent to the web site which originated them, so your use of other web sites will not expose the information stored in the cookie to other sites.
This cookie will be erased anytime you click on the 'Logout' link found in the upper right of most of our pages.
You should not check this option if the computer you are using for access is in a public location, or is otherwise unsecured.